Stop motion experimentation
In my intial ideas post I expressed an interest in using stop motion animation to feature people move in a robotic way. As I started to develop my ideas I started to persue an interest in presenting the idea of people lagging or glitching out as if they were in a video game as seen in the video below
Below is the outcome of my stop motion exercise using Photoshop. When it may come to the final product one can easily import the gif animation into after effects and then export it as video footage, however this may not exactly be advised as I would be creating more trouble for a process that could be done simply working with just video footage instead of images. In addition one may notice that I am currently wearing a jester hat to experiment with my chosen tone for the video.
To create this gif I simply took 3 photos of myself and then imported them to Photoshop. From there I created 7 frames and adjusted the visibility of each layer as the animation changed frame. To get the choppy look between each frame I timed the switchover to 0.1 seconds and then repeated certain images.After producing this exercise I believe that I may have stumbled onto a way to present the transformation of the office workers to the "zombie creatures" as mentioned in previous posts. Below is a mock up of how I think this would work.
One may notice that I am currently wearing a jester hat to experiment with my chosen tone for the video. After producing the gif however I feel that instead of wearing the hat in the beginning save it for the last frame to add emphasis the strange tone to draw contrast between normality and the robots world.
Excellent. Well done for posting details of your experimentation as you go along. In future, when posting about technology detail, you could include a couple of screen shots to demonstrate the programme/software layout.