Sunday, 6 October 2013

Mods and Rockers articles

Mods and Rockers articles  -Summary

 1964: Mods and Rockers jailed after seaside riots
 Many youths have been given prison sentences following a number of violent clashes between the Mods and Rockers at a number of resorts on the south coat of England. According to the article 2 youths suffered from knife wounds, 51 teenagers were arrested, 3 were jailed for up to 3 months and 5 more were sentenced to 6 months. Around 36 people were fined summing up to £1,900.

The article goes on to say that more than 1,00 teenagers were involved in skirmishes inn Brighton; allegedly throwing deckchairs and harassing pedestrians and shouting at each other. In Margate there were even instances that teens would attack the police and the authorities had to use horses and dogs to create order. The article also mentions that there were further clashes at Bournemouth and Clacton.

May 19 1964: Wildest ones yet
 The article refers to the youth as "the wild ones of whitsun". The article claims that there were knives involved at Margate and 3 teens were stabbed. At Brighton 75 teens were arrested, 20 youths were taken police headquarters at Bournemouth and 200 teenagers smashed windows at Bournemouth as well.  The article also mention a heroine called Mrs Ellen Green who routed the teenage youth with a mop.

Forty years ago pictures of Mods and Rockers shocked polite society.

On the 4th of April 1964 allegedly saw two youth cultures beating each other senselessly over a Clacton, Margate, Brighton, Bournemouth, Southend and Hastings. These two groups were known as the Mods and the Rockers. These acts of violence gave way to horrified headlines  in the paper such as "riot police fly to seaside" and many photographs of the fights which have become famous in their own right and have become stuff of pop culture legend represent Sixities Britain. However according to many Mods and rockers of that time there were no riots or fights in fact newspaper photographers would pay these young people 5- 10 pounds to stage a photo. According to rocker Phil Bradley "There weren't riots like in that film Quadrophenia". However  Mod, Howard Barker say there were acts of violence but there was still staged fights. In addition the Mods didn't just hate the rockers they also fought each other as well based on region such as Northern mod vs London mod. Also exaggerated by the papers were the fact that fights were drug fueled, according to Alfredo Marcantonio amphetamines the choice drug for mods would fuel the mods for dancing in clubs, afterwards they would be tired to fight anyone. Finally, it was possible to tell where a Mod lived based on there colour of clothing and also seaside towns were the domains of the Rocker.

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